Saturday, 29 September 2012

Kha'Zix Thoughts (Because I`m qualified to talk about game design)

Alright, so this little bugger is out (pun intended). A lot of people were comparing him to Rengar pre-release, and he is honestly very similar. One thing that stands out to me is how Riot kept talking about how "different" the playstyle between the two champs were, citing that Rengar is more of a bruiser, and Kha'Zix a more pureblood assassin. Well besides the extra damage for isolated targets (isolated by the way means slightly far  away from someone else, the distance needed between an ally and yourself to avoid his extra damage is laughable) he is definitely more bruisery, and you can tell that by EVERY build people do on him. He's an "assassin" with way less burst then Rengar, the supposed bruiser. It`s very bizarre how off the mark they were.

Despite all of that, I really like him. He`s a lot of fun to play. For masteries I go 9 offense, 21 defense, and take my regular AD jungler runes, AS marks, AD quints, Armor seals, and magic resist glyphs. I go boots+3, into wriggles+hog, then phage into triforce. After that it`s all bruiser items, usually a randuin and maw, sometime warmogs maybe. He scales well into lategame because of evolutions and so building him with lategame items works very well. They did definitely hit the mark when they said ``Rengar is early game, Kha`Zix late game``. As for evolutions I go for the wings first, then claws. After that it`s preference, although I really like the active camo, more for the colour change than anything.

Oh and his leap range when evolved is ridiculous, probably the farthest gap close or escape in the game. I think only trist really has one as long distance as his, and he also has the refresh cooldown on kills and assists when evolved, which makes it a lot of fun to bounce around like a maniac.

I don`t know how competitive he will be, he seems to be more of a solo que stomp, although with so many gap close assassins out now, I wouldn`t be surprised if people started building teamcomps around that strategy. For the time being though, I doubt you`ll see him in any tournaments.

I`d say definitely a buy if you like gank oriented junglers, but I`d hold off bringing him into ranked for awhile. For the time being, everything he does Rengar does better. Rengar has more burst on his Q, a more reliable slow, and a more reliable heal for sustained jungling. I`m not sure what he needs to become more effective, and I hope it isn`t just a buff on his Q. I hope eventually he gets a buff on his R, making his camo last a little longer, and give a more WTF speed boost than is currently. I feel it`s that ability that really seperates him from Rengar, being able to disengage and re-engage at lightning speed, and it def gives him a fun way of playing for lategame teamfights, being able to jump on the enemy carry and murder him quickly before stealthing or jumping out. He`s kind of like a hybrid akali and rengar baby. Except a bug alien creature.

Thursday, 20 September 2012


or "How to win more consistently"

  Hey there everyone! Oskii here with a little bit of a guide to carrying. In my time with League of Legends I have found myself intrigued in two primary roles: AD and AP carries. There's just something enthralling about playing carries that's always appealed to me; either the big numbers are shiny and make me happy, or I'm a glory whore. It doesn't matter, the point is when it comes down to it, League of Legends is a team game and you are the Carry. What does that mean? When you go 14-0-5 you're not supposed to gloat and talk about how you "carried so hard" because that's your fucking job. If the end of the game comes and you complain about how you couldn't carry then you should maybe rethink playing a Carry. Of course, there will always be games that include feeders and the like that may end up being nigh impossible to win, but the majority of games will always be carry-able when you're in the position to do so.
  So how do we go about learning to properly carry games? Well, for one, you're going to need strong mechanics. What are those? Well, mechanics are the ability of your fingers to execute with a mouse and keyboard the things that your brain wants them to. If you're struggling to consistently click on a specific creep in a mass of creeps, then you need to practice your mechanics. If you find yourself failing to flash over walls or misjudging the ranges of spells, you need to practice your mechanics. If you find yourself consistently missing last hits because your timing is off, you need to practice your mechanics. Go into a custom game, and line up in bottom lane vs a Sivir bot. Take standard AD runes, and grab boots + 3 pots. If by 10 minutes, you aren't at 80+ CS consistently vs a bot, your mechanics need work. Practice. I myself typically score around 85-90 CS in a bot-game with about 4 kills at 10 minutes. I still need to work on my mechanics. This is the lowest level of practice you can accomplish, and luckily it can be done at any time, any where so long as you have a league client and an internet connection. This practice is not limited to AD Carries but for the example that's what I'm using.
  Next you need to fulfill your role. What is your role? We've been over this: to carry. You're supposed to output massive amounts of damage come endgame and shred through the entire enemy team while remaining alive. However, you need items to do so, so practice farming like I just went over. You want to be farming as best you can. You want 200 cs by 20 minutes in a reasonably regular game. Once towers start to drop and team-fighting begins you want to support your team by doing damage in team-fights, but don't forget to spend every idle second gaining gold. If you're spending too much time dawdling with your team around a tower, go farm the jungle and ping them back. Especially if their AD Carry is off somewhere farming, you are only hurting your team if you're not farming. When it comes to this midgame time, your jungler is going to dislike you greatly because you're going to be stealing a good deal of his jungle. This is why support-type junglers like Nunu and Maokai are so strong: they don't need the farm as desperately as you do, and they often build Gp/10 items to compensate. Farming mid to lategame is an exercise in map awareness, and requires good warding and good timing to safely farm lanes. If there's a big wave top, you need to know that you can farm that and keep an eye on the movements of the enemy team. Your role as a Ranged DPS is to farm until you have items, but remember that after 1-2 big items, you might be forced to stop farming heavily and start forcing objectives and fights.
  So how does one carry in solo queue? First: you have to do everything better than the mirror on the enemy team. If you're 1/0/1 and 198 CS at 20 minutes and the opposing AD is at 0/1/0 and 160 CS, that's only step one of the process. Good, you've got more gold than the enemy AD. Now you need to make things happen with that advantage: look to take objectives as often as possible. Making good dragon calls in the early game is the most surefire way to ensure even the dumber members of your team have enough gold to not screw it up for you. Bottom lane is the gateway for dragon plays. If your jungler comes to visit and dragon is up, go the extra mile to get those kills. If you can pick off one or both of the enemy bottom laners (or force them both to go back), you should be able to dragon immediately afterwards considering you didn't take excessive damage. Remember that if you kill the enemy AD, dragon and then come back and push the lane, it's a waste of time. Either push your wave first and then dragon, or just dragon and back. Most of the time you're not going to do anything by pushing the wave afterwards because it's enough time for the enemy AD to return and grab last hits safely at tower. Sometimes you will have enough time to push first, sometimes you won't. It's a matter of judgement. So now we've covered two major things, out-gold the enemy Carry, and secure team objectives whenever possible. What other way do we carry Solo-queue games as an AD? 
   Positioning in team-fights is a major aspect to being a good AD. In a team-fight you want to do as much damage as possible without dying. You do not need to get kills, you just want to do consistent damage. Getting kills isn't bad, but never compromise your positioning to get the last-hit on a champion. The biggest things to watch out for when it comes to AD positioning are the stuns on the other team. If you're in range to get Taric stunned and shattered and there's an enemy Riven nearby, you done screwed up real good. So stay back, kite the Riven (who is no doubt charging you with her acrobatic ridiculousness and massive ult-sword) as best you can, and stay alive and kill her. In Solo-queue, you might not have peels. In ranked fives, someone might actually give a shit about you and stun the bruiser before they kill you, but in reality, it's probably not going to happen. This is why Ezreal and Corki and Graves are the best AD carries out there right now, you have mobility as well as damage. If the bruiser charges you, you need to back up to a cliff so you can blink over when they get too close. This is especially important against bruisers like Olaf who can't be peeled off you and normally run Ghost instead of Flash. If Olaf does have flash and flashes after you, burn your summoner flash and flash back down. Staying alive is key. Every autoattack you get off lategame does as much or more damage than an AP Carry's spell. You don't need to constantly abuse your ASpd if your going to die by going closer, wait for specific cooldowns to be burnt before going in range of stuff that can kill you.
   So in the end, you need to farm more than the enemy AD, you need to try and make successful dragon plays, and you need to position in team-fights as to not be obliterated instantly while doing as much damage as possible. If you can do these things, you'll win more games than you'll lose and Elo will follow.
   What about AP Carry? How do you carry as these champions? Well, a lot of it is the same. When your opposing mid farms, you want to farm harder. When they roam, you want to push aggressively or roam harder. If the enemy AP Carry ganks and secures a kill at bottom or top lane, or even in your jungle, they need to pay for that time: as soon as the enemy AP Carry disappears, take a look at the map while you ping it. You have several options, push into tower to deny XP/Gold, follow immediately and counter-gank if you are able to do so, or gank another lane. It is not acceptable to just sit in mid and AFK farm without pushing. Obviously, certain situations might require one option over the other: LeBlanc is a mobile, high damage AP carry with excellent roaming. It might be better in this situation to ping your lanes to play safely, and push hyper-aggressively into tower. LeBlanc has no ability to farm under tower pressure and if your lanes play safely they might miss a couple CS, but ultimately LeBlanc loses a great deal more and she is a champion who needs that extra gold from kills to compensate for her lack of farming ability. If you're already 50 CS up on the opposing laner, you should focus less on farming and more on shutting down other lanes. Sure, farming is acceptable, but if the enemy mid laner is making plays and putting your top and bottom behind while gaining kill gold, you're staying equal or slightly ahead in gold to the enemy mid but both your other lanes are being disadvantaged. Great times to gank are when your jungler is already heading bottom to make a dragon play: if you have 4 people bottom and the enemy mid doesn't react fast enough and the jungler isn't already in position, you can dive turret easily and secure kills as long as you're all consciously aware of turret aggro and nobody takes too much damage. Your level advantage from being a solo lane gives you good kill potential on squishy AD carries. Make those plays! Mid-late game is a little more complex for AP Carries as each one may slightly differ in role, but generally speaking you want to accomplish what the character's kit is designed to accomplish. If you're playing Morgana, you want to look for the opportune moment to pop your ultimate to chain as many people as possible to force a reaction. If you're playing Ryze or Cassiopeia, maybe your goal is to just be another consistent DPS like an AD carry but with magic damage. If you're an assassin like Akali or LeBlanc, your goal is to quickly eliminate the AD Carry of the other team so they have no consistent damage. Remember that positioning is also important with AP Carries, as you can get stun-locked and murdered before being able to get off your damage, and that is bad news bears. So, in solo-queue, the general goal of playing a carry is to do more than the mirror on the other team. Obviously as a champion like Morgana, you may not be able to roam as strongly as a LeBlanc, but you should farm much stronger than LB and provide more in team-fights. Practicing mechanics with AP Carries is also important so don't hesitate to hop into customs and practice last-hitting and understanding how much damage each of your abilities does in a game and with what items.
  Good luck carrying games!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Stealth Carrying (or jungling) PT 2

Alright, yesterday I covered buff control, today it's oracles, following the enemy jungler, and ganking.

First of all oracles, a core item on any jungler. I used to have the mentality that oracles was a support item, that it's their job to clear wards and basically control vision.

But here's a question, why would a champ confined to a lane have oracles? Why wouldn't the one roaming all over the map have oracles?

Exactly, as a jungler with oracles you can clear every ward on the map. You should pick it up right after your GP/10 items. As soon as you have oracles, the most important thing to clear is dragon. This will either A. Force their jungler to go to dragon to make sure you aren't taking it, allowing you to either invade top or gank top without worrying about a countergank. Or B. It forces bot to use another ward, which you can clear again and again.

Places to look for wards! In bot lane, check the lane bushes, tri brush, river bush, and dragon. All of these could be warded, and it is terrifying to be in bot lane without any wards. Also a nice side benefit in solo que is if the AD hasn't been paying attention, and just sees that they don't have wards they will rage at the support, and that takes any synergy they had in bot and throws it out the window. The divide and conquer method.

Also check jungle entrances, your blue buff bush (alliteration is fun!) and red buff bush, as well as theirs if you've been counterjungling. In mid check the two bushes on either side. Basically just check every bush.

In top check the river bush and the tri bush, as well as the space in between.

Now an enemy with no vision will either let your lane freefarm, or play as normal and allow you to gank easily. Also if your red is up, a good trick is to go clear top ward, leave and take your red, come back and gank. He will think you just left, and then you come back even stronger with a slow. Free kill. Free kills are very good.

Dieing with oracles. It happens, and usually you become focused a little harder if you have oracles, and more importantly are using it as much as possible. This comes down to game sense if you should buy another one or not. Things you should ask yourself are A. Are you just going to lose it again. If you are, fuck it, buy a defense item, get another oracles later once you've caught up. and B. If you're ahead. If you;re ahead, getting off ganks, stealing buffs, farming well, another 400 gold is nothing. At worst it may even you up with their jungler.

And this brings me to following the enemy jungler. I'm not saying you need to know exactly where they are 24/7. I'm saying you need to have a general idea 24/7. Warding the bush right next to wraiths allows you to know if they are top jungle, or if they're heading bot jungle. Another ward at their red buff bush lets you know if they came the other way avoiding the wraith ward, say they saw you place it there.

You will not be able to know where they are all the time, that's borderline impossible. But you will know generally where they are, if they have buffs, and their HP/mana levels letting you predict where they're going next. If you see your top is pushed and he just took his red on top side, then you know he's going to gank top, and this allows you to react either by taking dragon if you're bot, or counterganking top. It also lets you know if they are low enough that you can invade without worry of the jungler being a threat. Warding their blue is also good for this.

If you've noticed a theme there is one. WARDS ARE IMPORTANT. DESTROYING THEIR WARDS ARE IMPORTANT. Basically all you need to know.

And now we come to the most fun part of jungling. Ganking!

Ganking basics. Get behind them. Like between them and the turret. There, that's the basics. Oh and ping to let people know you're ganking. I usually ping once when I'm on my way and a second time when I'm going in.

Ganking top is pretty easy, especially if you are blue side. If you're blue side you have two ganking paths, either straight through river (spoiler alert, it's warded) or through their tri (also probably warded, but they don't have as much reaction time.

If you think a bush is warded, go in fast, don't wait around at all. If you stop and sit just a second, they can run away. They may still just run away, but at least you didn't waste time doing nothing.

Ganking mid is a little tricky because it's a short lane, but it's also not usually warded as heavily. If they're pushing hard you can just gank through the river bushes. If not you may want to walk around, almost right next to their turret. Running around like this lets you get behind them very easily, the only problem is you may take a tower hit.

Ganking bot, oh my god does this suck. The most heavily warded lane, 24/7. Seriously, fuck this lane. But if you can manage to get in without being spotted it's almost always a kill because bot is usually the squishiest lane.

For bot you can either gank through tri, river, or lane. All three are usually warded, and river is a huge no no, because if drag is warded they can prob clear a wave then retreat and you still don't have time to get there. If  you are going through their tri (if you're purple side) it's prob warded, so run in fast, around the wall next to their turret.

Lane ganking is fun. Your lane needs to be pushed so minions don't see you coming in. Sneak in hugging the wall into the lane bush, stay in the first one until minions are REALLY pushed, like to their turret, then go in second one. If it's warded you're just fucked, you've wasted time. Oracles is important. Remember that.

Another thing you need to consider is who your ganking, and who your lanemate is. Say I'm ganking a morg mid and a veigar is on my team. She spellshields as soon as she sees me and just walks away. Was it worth the time? I try ganking vlad, trollpool, kennen, lightning ball. Remember to judge what you're ganking, if they can just get away you are wasting time.

That doesn't include flash, if you blow their flash that's a good gank, and opens up ganking again with them not being able to escape.

Also, look at summoner spells before the game. If someone without a built in flash doesn't take flash, punish them for it. They deserve it. They're clearly suicidal in the first place.

This is basically all you need to know about jungling without going into champ specifics. Basically you need to know everything going on, all the time, what each champ does, how your champ reacts to those champs, all the while denying them as much information as possible. It's like the cold war except someone dies in the end.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you're all better junglers for it. Now get out there and carry some games! (stealthily).

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Stealth Carrying (Or as it's also called, Jungling) pt1

I don't see enough general jungling guides online, even the so called 'beginner jungling guides" seem to focus on specific champions, and best champions to start jungling with. I realized after responding to a reddit post that I had outlined almost all of the core concepts you should be thinking about when jungling, and wanted to share them here as well, bullet point style so it's not a wall of text, and also looks stylish.

Now the main reason for this though is that while jungling, if you finish with a positive KDA ratio you may not be aware of the mistakes you did make, even if you lose. It's easy to feel like you didn't do anything wrong just because it's so easy for you to avoid the action, making the odd gank, and feeling like you contribute.

You want to do more then just contribute, you want to make an IMPACT. And this is how to do it with almost any champion. So here are some goals and objective while jungling and how to achieve them.

Did the enemy jungler control their buffs/ your buffs? Did you steal their red or blue or get yours stolen?

First, how to avoid having your buffs stolen, most common against things like shyv or lee sin, but if you catch them in your jungle early, even once, start warding your jungle entrances. If you see them come in through a ward placement, ping like crazy so your top/mid/bot comes to help you. Depending what jungler you are you may be able to duel them, but they may also just escape. Sometimes it's better to wait for a lane to come to guarantee a kill.

For stealing their buffs, map awareness and timing are key, as well as having a strong counterjungler. I like to use xin, shyv, or mundo if I'm going to be invading a lot. Watch the map, if you see their jungler gank bot, run in their top jungle and ward blue buffs bush. That way when they go for it, you can even just hide in the bush and smite steal it, then jump on them and pick up a kill.

Remember to let your mid/top/bot know through pings when you're invading. Same strat works for red, their jungler gank top? Invade bot.

Also, watch for the buff timers, if you see their red come up, let everyone know and go for it, stealthily, knowing they will prob be there when you get there. This is how you gank something without a lane (how do you kill that which has no life?), catch it in their own jungle.

Also, to be noted, if you have a solid team with you, like you see them following your pings, and reacting well, you can counterjungle with pretty much anyone. A strong counterjungler helps, but say you're maokai and jax follows you to their blue, your root will still grab him a kill.

THAT'S THE FIRST POINT. As you can see, it's a little more complex then just "watch your buffs, try and take theirs." All of these you've probably heard of being important, but I want to focus more on why it's important and how to achieve it. Obviously every time you steal a buff you deny their team that buff, as well as the gold and experience with it. For crazy early buff steal, if you start blue you can go straight to their red and camp that bush until they come. This is risky as all hell if they decide to invade you're red, because you just wasted a ton of time. But, when it works, it works very very well. Works best with Shaco, and will make opponents rage.

Also, if they start blue, remember their second blue will be up around 7:15, so start moving there then.

SECOND POINT, starting to think I should've done this as a series. Actually, you know what, I WILL!

Just kidding. The wall of text continues.

The second point is about dragon and baron control, this is YOUR JOB as jungler. Support is supposed to ward dragon yes, but shit gets fucked up in lane sometimes, and sometimes they just can't get out to do it. DON'T BITCH ABOUT WARDING DRAGON. Just do it. Don't whine, don't QQ, just fucking do it and win the game.

Dragon needs to be warded at about 8-9 minutes, and baron should start being warded 20-22 minutes. These are approximately the times its possible for a team to take either objective.

When to take dragon, well this is a little trickier, and all comes down to game sense and good calls. You can always try to make a play bot to get dragon, either through a lane gank or tribrush gank (river is always fucking warded, tri doesn't usually give them time to react.) If you get a kill ON THEIR AD you can drag. If you get a kill on support and AD is too low to do anything then you can drag. If their AD escapes unscathed and their jungler is nearby and their mid roams to dragon you're fucked. If their top is mia, could be bot, just don't do it. Like I said, map awareness is key. Knowing when you can take dragon and how to do it is probably the most important skill you can have as a jungler before twenty minutes. Then it's baron.

Baron follows basically the same formula, but more loose. What I follow for making a safe baron call is are we two champions ahead? Did we kill 2 and lose none? Kill 3 and lose 1? But then it gets more complicated of course. THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM YOU NEED to take baron is your AD carry, and you the jungler. You NEED damage and smite. And if it's only two of you doing it, they need to all be dead, fighting even one enemy champ while also fighting baron is a surefire way to throw the game.

This also brings me to a very important part of jungling, learn to smite on time, everytime. That means if smite does 495 true damage and baron takes even one auto attack past 495, you missed it, and it could've been stolen. and that is embarrassing. Or, if your jungling cho it gets REALLY TRICKY, because then your figuring out how much feast+smite does, so you can effectively smite baron down from 1.5k health. This is just one of those small things that take you from good jungler to great jungler.

This all comes with play though, but this gives you a general idea how buffs work when jungling, and what your job is associated with them. I work soon, but tomorrow I will try to make a post about oracles, warding to track their jungler, and ganking. Until then WORK ON YOUR BUFF CONTROL.


League of Legends Art

ADC Oskii, AD for team canada found this website with some amazing league of legends themed hoodies.

You have to check this out. My personal favorites are the malzahar and blitzcrank ones, can't wait till they go on sale!

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Waiting to Patch

Alright, while I'm waiting for this patch to squeeze through my horrible internet connection I guess I'll do a quick post about some of the patch notes.

Akali: Mark of the assassin (her q) now properly returns energy when getting the killing blow. Not a huge deal.

Alistar: OH THE NERFS, his base movement speed is hit the slightest bit, down to 300 from 305, but more importantly his headbutt range has been nerfed. His cast range has been reduced to 600 from 650. I don't know how much this will affect him but it's clearly, just like his last nerf, a jungle nerf. And thank god, fuck jungle alistar. Like a cow belongs in the jungle.

Corki: He's getting some nerfs, a whole slew of nerfs actually. First his Hextech Shrapnel can no longer proc a critical strike, his Valkyrie cooldown is being increased  to 26/23/20/17/14 seconds from 20/18/16/14/12. On top of both those nerfs his missile recharge time is also going to take two seconds later.

Honestly, Okay with the Corki nerfs, been seeing him almost every game lately, he was definitely very strong and even worse then that, I couldn't play him well so it was all the more frustrating. 

Diana: Now who didn't see this coming? Of course she's being BUFFED!!!!!

Jokes, she's being nerfed, a LOT. 

Her base health regen is going down from 10 to 7. Her crescent strike damage is being reduced to 70/110/150/190/230 from 80/125/170/215/260. If that wasn't enough the ability power ratio is being hit as well, going to 0.7 from 0.8. 

On top of that her shield damage has also been hit, with each orb doing  20/34/48/62/76 damage from 20/36/52/68/84 damage before.

And lastly, her ultimates cooldown has been nerfed,  increased to 25/20/15 seconds from 20/16/12.

So yeah, you won't be stomping with Diana anymore. But she was clearly OP, more so than a lot of previous release champions. 

Alright now for my favorite buffs, and if you've played against my Evelynn in the past you're already shaking reading these buffs MUHAHAHAHAHA. 

Her Shadow Walks radius has been reduced, meaning you have to be closer to see her, which is awesome because I already didn't have a problem with that at all. 

Her Hate Spikes mana cost has been reduced which is amazing, she was so blue dependant in the jungle before it was borderline crippling if you didn't have a manaless mid. Now she'll only be really blue dependant. It's being reduced to 14/18/22/26/30 from 19/23/27/31/35.

Also her Dark Frenzy, the movement speed boost, is going to ignore unit collision so you can just dive through creeps to hit your target, and it's cooldown is being reduced by five seconds. 

Her Ravage's cast range has been increased, to 225 from 180. If you can't tell by now you should be terrified of Evelynn.

Also her Ultimate ability's cooldown has been very slightly reduced. At lvl 1 it isn't different at all, lvl 2 it's ten seconds shorter, and level 3 it's twenty seconds shorter.

So you should be scared, very scared if you are in the 1500-1600 normal ELO range or 1300 ranked range because my Eve is coming out in full force. 

Ezreal is being more tweaked then outright nerfed or buffed, his mana costs are going down on his mystic shot, allowing you to spam that in lane more easily, so that'll be more fun. But then his W is getting nerfed in a couple ways, but buffed in another. First they increased the AP ratio on it, but reduced the damage, and on top of all that reduced the size of the abilities hit box making it harder to land.

So basically I have NO IDEA what's going to happen with Ezreal, if we'll see him more or less, stronger or weaker, we're just going to have to wait and see.

Gragas is being nerfed. Didn't really see this coming, but I have seen a lot of Gragas lately and they have all wrecked face, may have become stronger due to "reverse power creep" where everyone else gets nerfed so he got stronger.

Either way, his charge speed is being reduced to 900 from 1050, the mana cost is increased by 25, and his ultimate cooldown is being increased to 100/90/80 seconds from 90/75/60. 

I like these changes, a big problem against Gragas was his ultimate being up seemingly constantly, and with it's insanely strong displacement that was pretty broken. 

Graves is being nerfed! Thank god, I'm sick of seeing this bastard every game. His base attack speed is being reduced to 0.625 from 0.638, and his quickdraw attack speed is being nerfed to 30/40/50/60/70% from 40/50/60/70/80%, which makes sense, I always considered him to be the "burst"  AD carry out of all of them, and having a lot of attack speed is counter intuitive to that. I hope they buff either his Q or W base damage in the future to be more in line with the feeling of a shotgun blast. On release he felt like that, but that's because he was overpowered, hopefully they can find a way to balance that.

Jarvan IV is getting a bit of a bug fix, basically it's going to be a little easier to cast his standard, instead of running to where you click the standard it'll instead fire off at it's max range, making his combo a little easier to pull off.

Karthus is having his wall fixed, it no longer reduces armor, and instead of reducing by flat magic resist it's going to reduce 15% of magic resist. 

Katarina is also getting a huge slew of changes, her passive is going to give 5 seconds more cooldown reduction on kills and assists, her base damage is being increased on bouncing blades but all their AP ratios are being reduced making it stronger early game, as it should be to make laning easier, getting another AP ratio nerf on her sinister steel, her Shunpo is also being buffed, with more base damage and less cooldowns. So all those people crying how the remake was a nerf should be a little happier now. 

Mordekaiser is getting bigger. Cool I guess. Havn't seen it yet, hoping he's as big as 6 stack Cho'Gath now. 

Nunu's Ice blast is slowing for one second less then before, for three seconds instead of four.

Rengar is getting some bug fixes, Unseen Predator now leaps on the target and his bola  won't misfire. He still sucks though so don't play him.

Shen is getting a nerf out of nowhere, his Shadow dash is having the cooldown increased,  to 16/14/12/10/8 seconds from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8. Seems like a pretty big nerf for someone who wasn't that strong already.

Teemos toxic shot is being fixed again, thought they fixed this but his toxic shot will now deal the correct damage at higher attack speeds. 

Twitchs expunge is being buffed, which is good because we still never saw him after the re-work, Base damage increased to 40/50/60/70/80 from 20/35/50/65/80, and his Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 70/75/80/85/90. Hopefully this makes him more viable, I'm not going to hold my breath though.

Warwicks getting a quality of life change, his passive will now correctly show in the bottom and show the stack amount.

Abyssal Scepter's range is being reduced on the aura. I'm still going to buy it.

Wards will now show an indicator if being placed in a bush or not, which is awesome. Also items with cooldowns will now show the cooldowns on the item, so things like tri-force, sheen, maw, you won't have to guess the cooldowns anymore. An awesome quality of life change. 

Oh and wards are getting a HUGE NERF. I can't believe they even did this, but they NO LONGER HAVE 20 ATTACK DAMAGE.

Be right back, going to go whine in the forums about my ward damage.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The Saddest Mummy Holds Great Power

Holy shit! Look at that! I figured out how to add a picture to this blog! I sometimes get people thinking I'm much more technically proficient then I am, but besides league of legends my computer skills are quite limited. And just as limited if playing Nidalee.

But I want to talk about something I've been using to carry ranked lately. I gained 300 ELO, starting at 1000 last week and now sitting at 1319, or something similar.

I achieved this using mainly Maokai jungle, and the lesser seen AP Amumu.

Oh you can only imagine the rage, but you just have to ignore it, because he is an early game ganking beast, and a borderline hypercarry late game.

Basically you start with your boots and three pots. Get three dorans rings and moba boots and gank like crazy. If you can't land mummys skill shot, go play Mao, that's what I do when I can't land a skillshot to save my life.

After that deathcap. That's right deathcap. You want this ASAP after your dorans rings because thats all your early game ganking power. The reason this is strong is that even tank mummys ganks are terrifying, add that initial tiny stun nuke, then the much larger nuke (level e first) going off every five seconds, faster if they turn on you, plus dmg over time from your w, you are terrifying. You're doing like late game karthus level damage pre-20 minutes in AOE form.

And then he falls off, hard. Until you finish the full build you are going to feel very, very squishy. So you need to get Zhonyas after deathcap so you can use the active whenever they try to turn on you, and they will. I get focused a lot as AP amumu. After that Rylais for some health+slow, then Abyssal for the MR you're lacking. After that I'd prob go guardian angel, although this build is so freaking expensive you'll never make it that far.

Also if you have a duo buddy that likes to play Yorick, TheWillrus and I found a neat trick entirely by accident. Turns out if you blow mummy ult, then yorick ults you and you die, you come "back to life" with another mummy ult ready to go. Not that gamebreaking on tank mummy, but on AP mummy that's a gigantic AOE stun nuke that takes out easily half of their entire teams health if played correctly. We pulled that in a ranked without knowing what would happen, and boy did THAT take everyone by surprise. I mean that was more surprising then, uh... something. Not Rengar for sure, he kinda sucks.

So to anyone stuck in the 1000 ELO, remember that ANYTHING can carry you out, as long as you can play it well. It's not about finding a champ that can carry, it's about finding a champ that YOU carry with. For me, AP mummy has been working. For you, it could be AD Ryze.

Yeah..... Right.

Curse and Dignitas VS MLG

Last weekend was MLG Raleigh, and for those of you who got to tune in you probably got a bit of a surprise towards the end of the tournament.

The two finalists were Team Curse and Team Dignitas. Right now everything is very convoluted as to what actually happened, some people think they were disqualified because they played an ARAM, and some think it's because they rigged the game, or that it wasn't even rigged and they just agreed to split the first and second place winning.

Anyways if you want to see Team Cusre looking like a bunch of sad puppies,

That's a link to their "apology" video, and I say apology in quotes because they start by saying they didn't do anything besides play an ARAM, and then spend the second half of the video apologizing for the nothing they did.

Team Dignitas had an even vaguer press release on their website, basically saying they'll address it later.

Now it doesn't seem to me that they intentionally threw the game, or that they had any motives besides hiding some of their strategies for upcoming tournaments. So the two teams agreed for the first game of the finals to do an All Random, All mid game type set on the proving grounds.

Normally I would have no problem with this except it was a tournament, and it was a summoners rift tournament. No one was tuning in to see them have fun in an ARAM, they wanted to see the startegies, the teamwork, all that stuff that doesn't occur in an ARAM. Not to mention they failed to mention it to their hosts, MLG, that they intended to do this. So I definitely agree they deserved the DQ, or if not the DQ, they should at least have had to play an actual match. Even so I feel this has been blown way out of context, a lot of forum people (which will henceforth be known as swamp people) have unleashed the rage gates, and at the end of the day this is still just a video game, and the objective is fun. They fucked up, but it's not like they found the cure for cancer and then brought it to a crazy party and Jimi Hendrix snorted it thinking it was coke (historically accurate reference, look it up), they just didn't want to show all their cards, and the way to do that was an ARAM. I think if they had spoken to the hosts of the tournament about this there may have not been a problem, or if there was at least they would learn before and not have to deal with the consequences. Better to ask permission then beg for forgiveness, as Curse seems to be doing in that video.

Anyways, still two of my favorite teams on the North American circuit, and I hope they can learn from this and make a better showing with a little less controversy in the next tournament.

Go Team Curse and Team Dignitas! Just don't do ARAM anymore.

If you want to read more about this, here's an excellent Forbes article talking about what happened.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Entering the ring

Say hello to your newest League of Legends team!

Alright, well we haven't started practicing, many of our solo que ELO is lackluster and we don't have a full roster yet.

But... we have a blog so fuck yeah! We're halfway there!

So say hello to Team Canada! (tCa)

On our roster so far we have,

Oskjuvatn: Ad carry and soon to be our main streamer.

TheWillrus: Top laner who can beat everything but teemo. But really who doesn't hate teemo.

Nydushermain: Support, and our pro player, not sure his highest ELO but he was at 2222 earlier this week, if you've heard or seen of any of us before this, it was him.

Mid: ????

Yeah mids the only position we're missing right now but everyone (Nydus excluded) is working on our solo que ELO and trying to get it to a more respectable place. Although we all admit it would be awesome to have a bunch of 1200 ELO scrubs playing in a tournament.

Oh, and I guess you're wondering what's going to be in this blog? Well brave traveler, we will include articles about general play and how to get better, posts from other league of legends website we think you'll find interesting, and some guides we made ourselves as well as posting when we're eventually streaming.

So to start of the festivities I have two guides for you, one a serious one from our AD carry Osk. He mained mid way before AD so he made an awesome Cassiopeia guide I recommend checking out if you want to try the snake lady.

And for the second guide, one made by yours truly, the trolliest of trolls, a fun guide for messing around in normal games.

That's what we got so far! Obviously a thank you to Team Solomid for making such an awesome guide making site. Obviously check out Mobafire too if you are looking for guides, or the more recent hosted by Team Curse. We'll make sure to keep this guide regularly updated with new guides, posts, vids, whatever league of legends related thing we think you'd find awesome. Also feel free to find us on the NA servers, if we're not doing ranked we're usually looking for people to premade 5 with, or if you have a team and want to do some scrims message us, hopefully we'll have a full roster soon!