Say hello to your newest League of Legends team!
Alright, well we haven't started practicing, many of our solo que ELO is lackluster and we don't have a full roster yet.
But... we have a blog so fuck yeah! We're halfway there!
So say hello to Team Canada! (tCa)
On our roster so far we have,
Oskjuvatn: Ad carry and soon to be our main streamer.
TheWillrus: Top laner who can beat everything but teemo. But really who doesn't hate teemo.
Nydushermain: Support, and our pro player, not sure his highest ELO but he was at 2222 earlier this week, if you've heard or seen of any of us before this, it was him.
Mid: ????
Yeah mids the only position we're missing right now but everyone (Nydus excluded) is working on our solo que ELO and trying to get it to a more respectable place. Although we all admit it would be awesome to have a bunch of 1200 ELO scrubs playing in a tournament.
Oh, and I guess you're wondering what's going to be in this blog? Well brave traveler, we will include articles about general play and how to get better, posts from other league of legends website we think you'll find interesting, and some guides we made ourselves as well as posting when we're eventually streaming.
So to start of the festivities I have two guides for you, one a serious one from our AD carry Osk. He mained mid way before AD so he made an awesome Cassiopeia guide I recommend checking out if you want to try the snake lady.
And for the second guide, one made by yours truly, the trolliest of trolls, a fun guide for messing around in normal games.
That's what we got so far! Obviously a thank you to Team Solomid for making such an awesome guide making site. Obviously check out Mobafire too if you are looking for guides, or the more recent hosted by Team Curse. We'll make sure to keep this guide regularly updated with new guides, posts, vids, whatever league of legends related thing we think you'd find awesome. Also feel free to find us on the NA servers, if we're not doing ranked we're usually looking for people to premade 5 with, or if you have a team and want to do some scrims message us, hopefully we'll have a full roster soon!
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