Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The Saddest Mummy Holds Great Power

Holy shit! Look at that! I figured out how to add a picture to this blog! I sometimes get people thinking I'm much more technically proficient then I am, but besides league of legends my computer skills are quite limited. And just as limited if playing Nidalee.

But I want to talk about something I've been using to carry ranked lately. I gained 300 ELO, starting at 1000 last week and now sitting at 1319, or something similar.

I achieved this using mainly Maokai jungle, and the lesser seen AP Amumu.

Oh you can only imagine the rage, but you just have to ignore it, because he is an early game ganking beast, and a borderline hypercarry late game.

Basically you start with your boots and three pots. Get three dorans rings and moba boots and gank like crazy. If you can't land mummys skill shot, go play Mao, that's what I do when I can't land a skillshot to save my life.

After that deathcap. That's right deathcap. You want this ASAP after your dorans rings because thats all your early game ganking power. The reason this is strong is that even tank mummys ganks are terrifying, add that initial tiny stun nuke, then the much larger nuke (level e first) going off every five seconds, faster if they turn on you, plus dmg over time from your w, you are terrifying. You're doing like late game karthus level damage pre-20 minutes in AOE form.

And then he falls off, hard. Until you finish the full build you are going to feel very, very squishy. So you need to get Zhonyas after deathcap so you can use the active whenever they try to turn on you, and they will. I get focused a lot as AP amumu. After that Rylais for some health+slow, then Abyssal for the MR you're lacking. After that I'd prob go guardian angel, although this build is so freaking expensive you'll never make it that far.

Also if you have a duo buddy that likes to play Yorick, TheWillrus and I found a neat trick entirely by accident. Turns out if you blow mummy ult, then yorick ults you and you die, you come "back to life" with another mummy ult ready to go. Not that gamebreaking on tank mummy, but on AP mummy that's a gigantic AOE stun nuke that takes out easily half of their entire teams health if played correctly. We pulled that in a ranked without knowing what would happen, and boy did THAT take everyone by surprise. I mean that was more surprising then, uh... something. Not Rengar for sure, he kinda sucks.

So to anyone stuck in the 1000 ELO, remember that ANYTHING can carry you out, as long as you can play it well. It's not about finding a champ that can carry, it's about finding a champ that YOU carry with. For me, AP mummy has been working. For you, it could be AD Ryze.

Yeah..... Right.

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