Saturday, 29 September 2012
Kha'Zix Thoughts (Because I`m qualified to talk about game design)
Alright, so this little bugger is out (pun intended). A lot of people were comparing him to Rengar pre-release, and he is honestly very similar. One thing that stands out to me is how Riot kept talking about how "different" the playstyle between the two champs were, citing that Rengar is more of a bruiser, and Kha'Zix a more pureblood assassin. Well besides the extra damage for isolated targets (isolated by the way means slightly far away from someone else, the distance needed between an ally and yourself to avoid his extra damage is laughable) he is definitely more bruisery, and you can tell that by EVERY build people do on him. He's an "assassin" with way less burst then Rengar, the supposed bruiser. It`s very bizarre how off the mark they were.
Despite all of that, I really like him. He`s a lot of fun to play. For masteries I go 9 offense, 21 defense, and take my regular AD jungler runes, AS marks, AD quints, Armor seals, and magic resist glyphs. I go boots+3, into wriggles+hog, then phage into triforce. After that it`s all bruiser items, usually a randuin and maw, sometime warmogs maybe. He scales well into lategame because of evolutions and so building him with lategame items works very well. They did definitely hit the mark when they said ``Rengar is early game, Kha`Zix late game``. As for evolutions I go for the wings first, then claws. After that it`s preference, although I really like the active camo, more for the colour change than anything.
Oh and his leap range when evolved is ridiculous, probably the farthest gap close or escape in the game. I think only trist really has one as long distance as his, and he also has the refresh cooldown on kills and assists when evolved, which makes it a lot of fun to bounce around like a maniac.
I don`t know how competitive he will be, he seems to be more of a solo que stomp, although with so many gap close assassins out now, I wouldn`t be surprised if people started building teamcomps around that strategy. For the time being though, I doubt you`ll see him in any tournaments.
I`d say definitely a buy if you like gank oriented junglers, but I`d hold off bringing him into ranked for awhile. For the time being, everything he does Rengar does better. Rengar has more burst on his Q, a more reliable slow, and a more reliable heal for sustained jungling. I`m not sure what he needs to become more effective, and I hope it isn`t just a buff on his Q. I hope eventually he gets a buff on his R, making his camo last a little longer, and give a more WTF speed boost than is currently. I feel it`s that ability that really seperates him from Rengar, being able to disengage and re-engage at lightning speed, and it def gives him a fun way of playing for lategame teamfights, being able to jump on the enemy carry and murder him quickly before stealthing or jumping out. He`s kind of like a hybrid akali and rengar baby. Except a bug alien creature.
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